Discover the 50 Largest Companies in Peru

In 2024, the ranking of the best companies in Peru has revealed significant changes compared to the previous year. This ranking, led by Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP), provides a clear view of the most outstanding companies and their performance across various sectors. Below is a summary of the findings, an assessment of the strongest sectors, and a detailed list of companies with their respective industries.

Ranking Summary

Banco de Crédito del Perú has reached the first position with a score of 10,000, climbing from the second position last year. Interbank, which led the previous ranking, has fallen to second place with a score of 9,927. Alicorp and Backus AB InBev occupy the third and fourth places, respectively, with scores of 9,217 and 8,967.

A notable change is the improvement of Cementos Pacasmayo, which has risen from the 15th to the 10th position. On the other hand, some companies have experienced significant drops; for example, Kimberly-Clark fell from 14th to 21st place, and Telefónica-Movistar dropped from 66th to 71st place.

Sector Assessment

The sectors that stand out the most in this ranking include:

  • Finance and Banking: With BCP, Interbank, BBVA, Scotiabank, and other financial entities occupying high positions, this sector demonstrates great strength and stability in the Peruvian market.
  • Mass Consumption and Food: Companies like Alicorp, Backus AB InBev, Nestlé, and Gloria are well-positioned, reflecting the importance of the food and beverage sector.
  • Education: Several universities, such as the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) and Universidad ESAN, have improved their positions, indicating growing recognition of educational quality in the country.
  • Technology and Telecommunications: Google, Microsoft, and América Móvil-Claro are in the ranking, highlighting the relevance of ICT in Peru's economic development.
  • Mining: Mining companies like Minera Antamina, Minera Cerro Verde, and Minera Yanacocha also appear on the list, emphasizing the importance of the mining sector in the country's economy.

List of Companies with Industry

Below is a detailed list of the prominent companies in the ranking, along with their corresponding industries:

  • Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) - Banking
  • Interbank - Banking
  • Alicorp - Mass Consumption
  • Backus AB InBev - Beverages
  • BBVA - Banking
  • Ferreyros - Machinery
  • Nestlé - Food
  • Google - Technology
  • Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) - Education
  • Cementos Pacasmayo - Construction
  • Natura Cosméticos - Cosmetics
  • Rimac Seguros - Insurance
  • Scotiabank - Banking
  • Real Plaza - Retail
  • Pacífico Seguros - Insurance
  • Sodimac - Retail
  • AJE - Beverages
  • Toyota - Automotive
  • Supermercados Peruanos - Retail
  • Entel - Telecommunications
  • Kimberly-Clark - Consumer Products
  • Arca Continental Lindley - Beverages
  • LATAM - Airlines
  • Belcorp - Cosmetics
  • Universidad ESAN - Education
  • Saga Falabella - Retail
  • Caja Arequipa - Finance
  • Calidda - Energy
  • América Móvil-Claro - Telecommunications
  • Gloria - Food
  • PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Education
  • Centrum PUCP - Education
  • Corporación Aceros Arequipa - Metallurgy
  • Universidad del Pacífico - Education
  • Mapfre - Insurance
  • Microsoft - Technology
  • Cencosud - Retail
  • IBM - Technology
  • Ripley - Retail
  • AFP Integra del Grupo Sura - Finance
  • LAP (Lima Airport Partners) - Infrastructure
  • Pastelería San Antonio - Food
  • Yanbal - Cosmetics
  • Coca-Cola - Beverages
  • Adidas - Textile and Footwear
  • Primax - Energy
  • Minera Antamina - Mining
  • Casa Andina - Hospitality
  • Ransa - Logistics
  • Universidad de Lima - Education

This analysis and classification reflect the dynamism and diversity of the main economic sectors in Peru, highlighting the companies that have shown notable performance and significant impact in their respective industries.

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