User Registration

Complete the form with your company information to register in our system and be able to buy our business reports. For further information, please contact us.

Registration Form

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This document establishes the CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, which are celebrated on the one hand by the company DEL RISCO REPORTS, with RUC Nº20504166318, with address at Tomás Ramsey 930, Magdalena District, Lima, Peru, duly represented by its General Manager Mr. Julio Enrique del Risco Lizarzaburu, with powers registered in electronic item N°11369562 of the Registry of Legal Entities of Lima, Peru, hereinafter called THE AGENCY, and of the other party the company (THE SUBSCRIBER) that has registered for the request for Online credit reports; under the following terms and conditions:

DEL RISCO REPORTS (THE AGENCY), is a Private Information Center of Risks (CEPIRS), regulated by Law No. 27489, and its amending Law No. 27863, having a personal database duly registered in the Registry National Protection of Personal Data (Director Resolution No. 1600-2015- JUS-DGPDP-DRN) thereby complying with Law No. 29733, Protection Law of Personal Data.

By means of this contract, THE AGENCY is obliged to THE SUBSCRIBER, to provide you with credit, commercial and financial reports of companies and businesses established in the countries of the Latin American area, which must be used by THE SUBSCRIBER exclusively in relation to the evaluation of credit applications, opening accounts, issuing insurance policies credit or any other commercial use legally permissible at the source of credit information to be provided and/or at the place of use of the information, and exclusively within your business or operations and for your use exclusive, respecting the directives of Law 29733 (Protection of personal data) and the European General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR and similar. THE SUBSCRIBER exempts THE AGENCY from any responsibility for the use that it may give to the credit reports.

The credit reports requested by THE SUBSCRIBER must be delivered by THE AGENCY through email or other forms of information submission that the parties agree to. The requested reports will be delivered in Spanish and/or English, in the standard format that THE AGENCY has and that THE SUBSCRIBER declares to know. The information requested will only include business and legal persons from the indicated countries. Information delivery times requested are detailed in the indicative format and are part of part of this contract, which will vary depending on the type of service chosen one. The information provided in the ONLINE system is for REFERENCE only. since the file report may have been investigated one, two or three years ago back.

THE SUBSCRIBER will have the rates that are in force at the time of signing the this contract. The amount of the rate is net value, so THE SUBSCRIBER is obliged to your full payment. Rates may vary in case of increase in rates inflationary and/or exchange events that occurred in the country in relation to the currencies foreign companies with which billing is agreed.

THE SUBSCRIBER declares to know that the information provided by THE AGENCY is of strictly confidential nature, so you will not be able to disclose or put into knowledge of said information to third parties, much less make it knowledge of the subject subject of the information, of the results of the report confidential. The obligation of confidentiality will remain for an indefinite period, even in the event of termination of this contract. Likewise, THE SUBSCRIBER undertakes to make its maximum effort so that its personnel with access to the information provided by THE AGENCY is handled by those with the strictest reserve and confidentiality, under his own responsibility. In case of non-compliance of its obligation of confidentiality, THE SUBSCRIBER is obliged to respond for the damages and losses that have been caused, and must hold THE AGENCY harmless, assuming the payment of any administrative fine, expenses for judicial proceedings and/or payment of damages related to claims filed by a third party that consider harmed by the disclosure of confidential information.

Upon signing this contract THE SUBSCRIBER must provide THE AGENCY with the name of the people authorized to have access to the request for security services information provided by THE AGENCY. The change of an authorized user must be duly communicated in writing to THE AGENCY.

The rights and obligations acquired by THE SUBSCRIBER are non-transferable and are not may be transferred, except with prior written authorization from THE AGENCY.

THE AGENCY will act with the greatest diligence in order to provide the information required by THE SUBSCRIBER, however, THE AGENCY will not be responsible for delays or failures in the delivery of reports when these are due to causes of Force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

All the information that THE AGENCY provides to THE SUBSCRIBER is obtained from consultations from various public or private sources, which it deems reliable and supplied exclusively to assist you in your credit risk assessment and other commercial transactions. THE AGENCY will in no case reveal the sources of his information nor the means he used to obtain it. Likewise, it is understood and agreed that all information provided by THE AGENCY is in good faith, without This requires us to guarantee its accuracy or veracity, and will not be responsible for any incorrect, incomplete or erroneous report or information provided by any of the sources consulted. Furthermore, because as we indicated above, these reports are REFERENTIAL. In this sense, THE SUBSCRIBER exonerates THE AGENCY of any discrepancy, error or failure in the information provided, as well as as well as the possible damage that the use of the aforementioned information could cause, thus renouncing the exercise of any action for damages as a consequence of the delivery by THE AGENCY of information that has possibly inaccurate result.

The following constitute grounds for termination of the contract: 1. In case of non-compliance by THE SUBSCRIBER in the payment of invoices for the consideration given. 2. In the event that THE SUBSCRIBER discloses or allows the disclosure of the information provided by THE AGENCY to unauthorized third parties. 3. Failure to comply with any other obligation of THE SUBSCRIBER. With the purpose of invoke any of the causes 1, 2 and 3, the party affected with the cause of resolution must send the other party a communication requiring the compliance with his obligation, granting him a period of 15 calendar days, after which and if non-compliance continues, the resolution of full right of this contract, in accordance with the provisions of article 1429º of the Peruvian Civil Code.

The parties agree that the term of validity of this contract will be six (06) years, counted from the signing of this contract, automatically renewable for the same period in case THE SUBSCRIBER does not expressly state in writing, 30 days before expiration, your intention not to renew this contract.

The parties declare that they are aware that this contract is governed exclusively by Peruvian laws.

All disputes arising from this contract or that are related to the itself, including those relating to its existence, validity or termination, as well as the linked to this arbitration agreement, will be resolved through legal arbitration by three arbitrators, under the administration of the AmCham Peru Arbitration Center, whose regulations and statutes the parties expressly submit. The arbitration headquarters It would be the city of Lima. The award will be final and unappealable.

Both contracting parties declare that the addresses indicated in the introduction of the this contract, constitute for these purposes their legal addresses and are the places where legally and validly all types of communications must be sent private, notarial and/or judicial.

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